Attu! 22 May – 8 June
John Puschock’s Zughenruhe Birding Tours 2019 Attu trip is the highlight to any birder’s year, if not lifetime. Along with John and Neil Hayward as organisers and guides, and the mighty Puk-uk and her crew of three, we steamed along the Aleutians from Adak to Attu – a 72-hour pelagic birding mission, spent two weeks on Attu, then back to Adak – without a hitch. Our pelagic results were excellent – we saw ten Short-tailed Albatrosses of various age groups, and nearly all of the Alcids, Gulls and tube-noses we’d hoped for. Following is not much of a blog post – but an abbreviated pictorial recounting of the trip. I really do regret not being able (yet) to write proper blog posts, but truly cannot muster the time required. I do intend to back-track and beef up the captioned photos with text, but until I get up the three or four overdue posts – stretching back many weeks, photo essays are going to be the only option.
The John and Neil show. The cost of the trip is worth it, if only to watch these two interact. If there were awards for funniest birding guides, they’d be making speeches well into the morning. It was an incredibly well-run tour – a reflection of the serious and insightful side of their nature.